Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Seven Auspicious Mountains on Your Hand

Mounts Reveal Strong or Weak Leadership Potential According to the Tung Shu, the Chinese Almanac, there are seven mountains on the inner palm of the hand which reveal the inner attributes and determination levels of each person. The contours of these mountains tell us much about a person’s character and personality and they are named after the seven planets that correspond to the planets of the Great Bear. Whether the mountains bring luck or not depends on how “fleshy” and prominent they are on the palm. When they are full and obvious to the eye, they always indicate good fortune. When all seven mountains are full and prominent, this indicates a fleshy hand which is always indicative of a good and long life.
 The Mountain of Jupiter
This occurs as a slight raising of the flesh at the base of the index finger. If this area is full and fleshy and is matched with a long index finger, it shows that this person is very ambitious, has strong leadership abilities and has a tendency to be bossy. He/she has the fate to be the boss in any situation and is able to manage and control others. This is an honest and optimistic person, but also someone who enjoys power. If this part of the hand is flat however, such a person lacks confidence and could suffer from occasional personality disorders. If it is overdeveloped, this person can be overly arrogant, proud and egoistic. Too high a mountain suggests someone hungry for power who could be ruthless in the pursuit of such power.
 The Mountain of Apollo
This is a raising of the flesh at the base of the ring finger. A well-developed Mountain of Apollo suggests someone warm, optimistic and radiating great enthusiasm. When this part of the hand is flat, the person can be cold and cynical, lacking appreciation of the finer things of life. When the Mountain of Apollo is overdeveloped, such a person tends to be brash, insensitive and boastful.
 The Mountain of Saturn
This is located at the base of the middle finger. When this mountain appears full and well developed, this person possesses a good sense of responsibility and is concerned with seeking wisdom in the management of others. He/she will thus be a compassionate kind of leader. An overdeveloped Mountain of Saturn indicates someone strong and silent, who can come across as cold and unfeeling, often to the point of appearing unfeeling and haughty. This kind of person can be very difficult to understand. When this mountain is flat, the person is rarely serious and frivolous most of the time.
 The Mountain of Moon
This is located at the base of the palm where it joins the wrist. A person with an overdeveloped Moon Mountain tends to be unpredictable and often changes his/her mind frequently. When well developed, this person is caring and compassionate as well as creative and imaginative. When it is flat, the person will always allow emotional matters and problems to be obstacles. This is a person who cannot sustain long term trust or relationships. There is little stability in his/her friendships.
 The Mountain of Mercury
This is located at the base of the small finger. A full and fleshy Mountain here along with a long small finger exceeding the first joint of the ring finger indicates a person who is responsive, flexible, intelligent, quick thinking with admirable social skills. Such persons are likely to become very successful as business leaders with good strategic minds. They make great and successful entrepreneurs. Physically, most of them are short in body height. When Mount Mercury is overdeveloped, this person is a consummate liar who is charming but cunning, and likely to cheat in love. Need to be careful of this person and when the Mountain is flat, the person tends to be very shy and diffident.
 The Mountain of Venus
This is located at the base of the thumb. A person with a thick and fleshly Venus mountain will be noted for their great luck in romance. People find them warm, generous and very attractive. They also bring great vibrations to any of their relationships as they have much to offer in terms of companionship, social life and sexuality. When the mount is overdeveloped, it shows a greedy, intense person who is overly indulgent in sex, food and relationships. They are very attached to worldly pleasures and crave stimulation all the time. When it is flat, it shows a lack of vitality and passion so there are streaks of cool selfishness in this person who is also usually incapable of giving.
 The Mountain of Mars (Upper Mars Hill)
This is located above the end of the head line. A well developed mountain at this place indicates resilience to setbacks, great courage ability to survive under any conditions.
 The Mountain of Mars(Lower Mars Hill)
This is located below the beginning of the head line. A full and fleshly Lower Mars Mountain indicates someone very ambitious, courageous and brave. These are natural fighters who make breathtakingly bold moves in both the corporate world and at war. So they make good CEOs and Generals; but they sometimes act impulsively with terrible consequences.

Enhance Your Charisma and Inner Strength

Learn how to improve your finances, your career and your confidence with this series of special energy rituals. Each of these routines will boost your personal success, thereby enhancing your charisma and inner strength. Enjoy feeling your life improve as you systematically tick off each of these activities off your checklist.

1. Sprout a Plant in the Southeast to Bring in a New Source of Income
By placing sprouting plants in SE, you simulate the auspicious presence of sheng chi and create multiple sources of income. If there is no growth in the Southeast, wealth energy becomes increasingly depleted.

2. Place a Water Feature in the Southwest
To attract serious wealth into your life, choose a substantial sized water feature – i.e. a pool or fishpond - dug into the ground in the Southwest part of your garden. This activates the indirect spirit of the period of eight and is an extremely powerful way to attract abundance luck to the family.

3. Hang A Mandala on Your South Wall
Mandalas reflect the powerful energies of heaven and earth, which can then combine with the energy of the people in the home. This forms the powerful trinity of feng shui “ Tien Ti Ren”. A beautiful and well-drawn mandala will ensure your house is properly safeguarded and will also encourage good health for all residents.

4. Place a Red Jewel in the Earth Sectors for Wealth Luck
Select a red wish-fulfilling jewel. Wrap it in a red or yellow cloth and bury it in the SW or NE corner of your garden, or both. If you are sensing obstacles to your prosperity luck, this ritual will help you overcome them.

5. Throw a Party on a Special Day
It is always good to bring a blast of yang energy into your home. Invite a group of friends who care for you, whose auras glow with good will for you and who are happy to come together in celebration with you. Good feng shui parties will dissolve any negative energy that has gotten stuck in your home, transforming it instead into positive chi.

6. Allow Yang Energy into the Facing Palace of your Home
The facing palace is the part of the house where chi enters and distributes. Make sure it is clutter-free and brightly lit. Place Fu Dogs to guard your home from any harmful energy entering via the main door.

7. Wear a Transformation Fan pendant
The fan is powerful symbol that can transform bad luck into good luck. It wards off the bad vibes of negative gossip and the ill intentions of others. It is the best way to bring good luck back into your life, especially if you have recently been suffering from a spate of bad luck.

8. Draw the Dollar Sign on your Hand Every Day for 15 Days
Use red cinnabar to draw the dollar sign on the palm of your hand for the 15 days of the waxing moon. As you write, concentrate your thoughts so that the sign is imbued with the power of your belief and positive energy.

9. Energize a Room with the Sun and Moon sign
The signs of the Sun and Moon have an empowering energy when combined. It also signifies the balance of yin and yang. Place this symbol in your home to activate their special energy.

10. Wear the Wishfulfilling Mantra Ring at all times
Wear the mantra ring on any finger to create a protective aura and defend against negative vibes. It helps you achieve your desires when worn. Your goals can be for spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and material fulfillment. You can also wear the mantra ring on a chain around your neck.

11. Fire up your Love Life with Peach Blossom Luck
Identify your personal peach blossom animal. This will be either the Horse, the Rooster, the Rabbit or the Rat depending on your animal sign. Place a symbol of your peach blossom animal in a prominent place in its corresponding part of thye house. Then identify the peach blossom location of this year or the coming one. Activate the sector with a symbol of your peach blossom animal. This will energize your love life with new possibilities.

12. Place a Metal Feature in the Northwest
Protect the luck of the family’s breadwinner by placing Ksitigarbha’s six ring staff in the Northwest. You can also use a metallic sculpture of your choice if that is your preference. But make sure the sculpture you use is non-threatening and without poison arrows. The Northwest is the symbolic place of the father or leader of your house, and if he does well, so will the entire family by extension.

13. Place a Painting of 100 Birds just Outside your Front Door
Birds symbolize a variety of opportunities that have the potential to change one’s life for the better. They are also bringers of good news into the home. The more birds the better and it doesn’t matter what type they are, although colourful plumage is particularly auspicious.

14. Place Sea Salt or Rock Salt Inside your Wallet to Attract Cash Luck
Sea salt has great cleansing properties but also has the capacity to attract wealth. Sewing several grains of sea salt into a small pouch in your wallet will attract cash into it and ensure money doesn’t leave your wallet.

15. Create an Aquarium filled with Little Fish for Career Luck
To boost you career luck, activate the North corner in your home with an aquarium. Make sure it is properly maintained. The swimming fish provide a constant source of yang energy in the North sector.

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Thursday, 4 June 2009

wasn't it you????

Var det ikke dig der nægtede børnene? var det ikke dig der kom med alle de løgne historie om hvem du er og hvad du lavede? var det ikke dig der nægtede din egen familie? var det ikke dig der såret en hel masse den gang? var det ikke dig der har valgt om du skal være en del af børnenes liv? er det ikke dig der selv valgte at lukke os ude af dit liv og forsat med dit andet liv som en flight attendant og som christian på internettede og nægtede at du havde børn?- hvis det er rigtig hvorfor er det så mig der skal betale for dine løgner hvorfor er det så mig der skal have al skylden? jeg fatter det ikke, for selvom da vi ikke længere var sammen pressede jeg dig til at se dine døtre, jeg var altid den der tog det første skridt så vi havde en god kommunikations forhold, atleast for our kids. Jeg hjalp dig igennem dine svære tider og jeg var der altid for dig som din veninde. men du skubbede os væk fra dit liv. Jeg kan ikke forstår nu hvorfor jeg skal betale for det. når det er dig der havde fuckede det hele op. Jeg var altid den der prøvet at vi skulle have det bedre, mht til vores børn. jeg var altid den der kontaktede dine familie så de kunne være en del af børnenes liv. Jeg har aldrig spurgt om penge fra dig eller en anden form for økonomiske støtte, jeg tog det hele på eget hånd og var stolt at kunne gøre det på en legal måde. Jeg prøver at ligge det hele bag mig nu men når det hele bliver gravet op igen så er det svært at sove om natten. var det ikke dig der ikke ringede for at spørge om hvordan dine børn har det? var det ikke dig der ikke ringede til deres fødselsdage? eller til jul? var det ikke dig der glemmer de ting en far skal gøre? det er unfair, det hele er. for jeg prøver så meget at kæmpe for at børnene ikke skal vokse op med had overfor deres far. Du har aldrig været mand nok til at komme til mig og spørge om tilgivelse, det gør det endnu sværre at gør, jeg fatter det ikke. det re som om man er i det samme kreds igen.


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Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Sweeeeeet revenge?

thursday 28th of may 2009. and so the truth came out. I'm sorry for the things that shouldn't have been said and done. But let me explain, you can do and say what you want to me but when it comes to my relationship to my kids dad, I think that it is our business and our problems to be solved and deal with. No he hasn't supported me since we came to the philippines and no he hasn't supported me financially and same for his family. they have helped out once or twice. It is highly appreciated honestly. But being a father means more than that. and a BIG no to me denying his family and him in fact if you wanna know the truth he denied his kids, lied about his life and pretended to be someone else. In fact I was the one forcing him to visit or see his children in many ways I have tried to have an adult way of dealing with this problem. I have told him that whenever he wants to visit his kids he is more welcome to do so. So don't put all the blame on me.Don't let me feel guilty of any of this coz i have tried my best so we can have a better communication regarding our kids. I'm sorry if I have been angry and have said some stupid things, but the purpose of that is to make him wake up to his responsibilities. This isn't easy for any of us but when we deal with problems like this we have to have closure. And 2nd I haven't recieved any form of financial help or asked for it from him. So please keep your facts right and ask the second person about the whole story before you let it slip out of your mouth. ask him what is the truth. And I know I have said some things that never should have been said to others and yes i am truly thankful for whatever help you have offered me from the very beginning. I am honestly and faithfully thankful. So believe if I have said and wrote those out of desperation. And if I have offended you or lost your trust in me, then I guess I have deal with that for the rest of my life. And accept the consequences of my actions. I am truly again sorry for the pain that I have caused. Truth and lies have been told. hear both sides don't judge right away. these are the things I want. I want fair judgement.

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