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September 24 2009
You are tearing off the chains that bind you and breaking free. Self-awareness is the greatest gift, but it is also the heaviest burden. Recognize this and carry only what you can handle. The key is not breaking free; it's making life work for you and all the effort you put into it.
cancer on love
For Cancer natives, today provides an opportunity to show the areas where you may be tightening or closing down around love. All of us struggle with personal issues, but you may be inadvertently blocking it from coming into your life. Looking into this a little more deeply will help you remove any
cancer on carrier
You seem to be very busy researching and writing this week. You may have deadlines for reports and articles, or you may be busy with administrative duties and paperwork. The pressure is on but thankfully not for much longer. Mercury continues to be retrograde, so this is an excellent time to get your office system sorted out and streamline it. Get rid of any backlog and clear your desk - you will feel so much more creative as a result.
My very own tarot card reading from Horoscope.com
Monday to Sunday reading: This is soooo true from, today is thursday and let's see what happens tomorrow and the rest of the week. I'm particularly excited on friday and saturday what does this mean a skeleton in my closet??? hahahha and I dont want to fall into the same web??? take note on saturday someone from the past? Hhmmpp...damn I just don´t know which one of them hahahha...kidding... And sunday mmmpp sooo true I miss home but I'm not sure where exactly that is. In my heart home is where my kids are. Thats my home sweet home. No matter where in the world we will be placed my heart knows home is where love exist. Charot... hahahhaha....true true and true diba?

The Fool is literally living on the edge and unmindful of impending danger. On Monday you too may be impatient to begin a new adventure and oblivious to what could be a threatening event, whether financial or emotional. Although your adventure is a new beginning, there could be an ending attached.

There could be a decision made on Friday. A sexy skeleton danced out of your closet and you enjoyed the reunion, but you don't want to fall into the same web that entangled you in the past. A misunderstanding may still be smoldering within you but change has taken place at a very deep level and you get past it all.
The weekend gets a flying start when on Saturday the hint of a new relationship is in the air. It could be someone from the past, or you get the feeling that a past experience is about to be replayed wearing a new face. This new person adds another dimension of worldliness to your life without you leaving home.

Some people eye everything greedily. They never have enough. The Temperance card tells you to pause and enjoy simple pleasures as the potential to enjoy a pleasant relationship exists now. It is rare to find a union that is so easy that there aren't any dark and dreary sets of histories and no problems in the present. You get closer than you have ever been. In this light, why complicate it?

Look in the mirror without admiring your reflection.
darn right... hmmpp!!!!
and another one...hhmmm
Be at peace with yourself.
The third fortune cookie
Take care of yourself first. Then help others.
I can´t get over this why is this true why? Why? Why?
And i´ll get me another one and it says:
It may be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.
omg...god has his ways of communicating with me it might be through horoscope.com but darn im in teary eye now.
Don't wait for success to come - go find it!
Work with your destiny. Stop trying to outrun it.
Someone thinks the world of you.
Seek out a new environment if you're stuck in a rut.
Face the truth with dignity.
Stop letting other people stand in your way.
You will do well to advance your career.
Happiness may be right under your nose.

Okey 12 fortune cookies, i'm glad it's online or else I will be full right now hehehe...well this is God talking to me through fortune cookies. I prayed today befoe leaving my boarding house that God will give me a sign. After yesterday of wmotional struggling of what I want in my life and where I should go and asking him to guide me to where I belong. This is what I get. I was late for work, but on my way here I had a nice trip on the bus. And as soon as I sat by my desk opened my pc, I had typed horoscope.com where did that come from? I really don't know. It just came into my mind. So here I am tsking note of everything.....
Asking myself am I being too stupid right now? Hoping for something that I am not certain of? Hoping that this thing I have inside my heart for that person is what they call LOVE, am I wasting my time waiting for it to happen or am I just not ready to let it go? And if that is the fact then when will I be? Should I leave it all to time? Or do I really believe time heals everything? Is this the thrill of it all the reason we get up in the morning? Because we still have things left undone, unsaid and unfinished? Well I have the urge to run away right now which I am fighting so hard. I always do this run away and just leave it all to fate. Hoping it will solved itself. Some say this is the wrong way to deal with it all. But this is who I am I turn away and hoping that all the things that have caused pain and uncertainty for me will go away on its on. Sometimes it helps sometimes past has a way of snicking in the back and bite me in the ass. But these are the things that comes along for making decisions there are always circumstances in every decision we make and I have lived 24 years in this material world of ours to know better. After all the things I've gone through I should be better in making decisions but I'm not sometimes I am. I am independent and I am responsible. I don't blame anyone for my mistakes these are the characters that I am personally proud of. And I am blessed I believe that with all my heart that in my life the biggest guidance I have received is from above. So here I am again asking for it. Where do I go? Where does this lead me? What choices do I have left? How can I be a better person, a better mom a better daughter? How can I improve my life? Where do I find real happiness and joy? Life has so much to offer, how can I grab the right opportunities that will suite me and my kids?
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