Do you know that your mind has the power to change your life?
It's simple's called FOCUS!!!!!!!!
Set your dreams and focus. Make them your reality. Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to do it. I can tell ...know why?
Because first I have learned to let go of my bad decisions and experiences, no wait that's not true.. I have learned to accept them. No one can let go of their past really... just accept them. So here's one good advice, ACCEPT!!!!
To start again, let go of all the anger you have inside you...forgive and forget. People may have hurt you in the past but that belongs in the past. And there is a purpose to everything, believe me. Who am I to talk? Well lets just say I've been through enough to know why I am still up and going today chasing my dreams. Faith is also one of the most important thing you gotta have. It's the foundation of you. If you ain't got faith then your dreams won't turn into reality. Always keep your heart in the right place and do things with clean conscious. Meaning while you chase your dreams be careful running everyone else down. If possible pick some people up along the way, the more the merrier right???
Let me be honest, there are days where you gotta be tired and you need to slow down and there are days where you feel like giving up, but that's okey, there's gotta be a space for that too, just don't make a u-turn, just stop for a while and refocus get inspired. These days are completely normal. We are human by the way not robots, we need to be inspired we need to feel the need to be alone and we need attentions even a pat on the shoulder from our loved ones will do it. So while you chase your dreams, don't forget that doing too much of everything can be bad for you too. SO in here we also learn how to balance everything.
I believe if we take an hou or two brain storming what we really want to happen in our life. We can make it happen. Remember even if you already are adults we still need to take babysteps.
I'm slowly awaken my dreams and I'm totally inspired and I'm not planning to stop anytime soon. I'm young and I have my life ahead of me, I'm willing to learn and grow. So here I am, inspired by my kids, and motivated by my faith. yeheeey!!!!
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