2. It'll prep him for school. "Daycare centers are more stimulating and cognitively enriching than in the past," says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., an investigator for a recent National Institutes of Health study that found that at age 4, kids who'd been in daycare did better on literacy and number-skills tests.
3. It'll jump-start his social life. Daycare tots learn to be more cooperative and are more assertive than kids who stay home. Because they have to get along with lots of other children, they learn they don't always come first and how to make friends. A lesson always better learned sooner rather than later in life!
Back then when I lived in Denmark I had to take my eldest child to daycare, it was necessary for me to do that coz I worked from 9 to 3pm, I never had any regrets to take her to daycare the teachers or guidance there were really nice. polites and very diplomatic. They had many activities and they assigned 3 kids per caregiver, and I always had a contact person, someone who I could talk to about my Daughters progress, like learning to play with others, sharing, eating, and taking naps when I'm not there. And I could also see my daughter being more and more talkative, and more social. I really like the way they teach children to socialize, it is really important that your kid can get along with anyone or any kind of persons, they can learn to accept each others character. I am also planning this coming june to let her go to pre-school also because she shows so much interest in it. She likes me to buy her notebooks, uniform, pencils, coloringbooks and stuff. And in my situation right where I live and work a little too far away from them, I can depend on my grandmom to teach her the basic things like shapes colors numbers and letters, for my own personal reasons. As much as i like having her at home with me where I could be her teacher, I just don't have that kind of luxury. I'm a single mom if I stayed at home who's gonna provide for us right. So here I also learn to balance and organize mine and my kids lifestyle. Well soon I'll be with them again, I', just waiting for my salary to go up and have a financial security .Free Signature Generator
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