Wednesday, 20 May 2009

think how different it would be if you had never met the one person who changed everything....

hhmmm think???? i wanna see it like this everything happens for a reason. people you meet along the way, things that had happen are meant to happen for your own convinience. For you to learn and grow. But I must admit yeah I would call that person the BIGGEST mistake of my life.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Ten Keys to Successful Parenting

It is important that we discipline in a way that teaches responsibility by motivating our children internally, to build their self-esteem and make them feel loved. If our children are disciplined in this respect, they will not have a need to turn to gangs, drugs, or sex to feel powerful or belong.

The following ten keys will help parents use methods that have been proven to provide children with a sense of well-being and security.

1 - Use Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMS)

Your child's self-esteem is greatly influenced by the quality of time you spend with him-not the amount of time that you spend. With our busy lives, we are often thinking about the next thing that we have to do, instead of putting 100% focused attention on what our child is saying to us. We often pretend to listen or ignore our child's attempts to communicate with us. If we don't give our child GEMS throughout the day, he will often start to misbehave. Negative attention in a child's mind is better than being ignored.

It is also important to recognize that feelings are neither right nor wrong. They just are. So when your child says to you, "Mommy, you never spend time with me" (even though you just played with her) she is expressing what she feels. It is best at these times just to validate her feelings by saying, "Yeah, I bet it does feel like a long time since we spent time together."

2 - Use Action, Not Words

Statistics say that we give our children over 2000 compliance requests a day! No wonder our children become "parent deaf!" Instead of nagging or yelling, ask yourself, "What action could I take?" For example, if you have nagged your child about unrolling his socks when he takes them off, then only wash socks that are unrolled. Action speaks louder than words.

3 - Give Children Appropriate Ways to Feel Powerful

If you don't, they will find inappropriate ways to feel their power. Ways to help them feel powerful and valuable are to ask their advice, give them choices, let them help you balance your check book, cook all our part of a meal, or help you shop. A two-year-old can wash plastic dishes, wash vegetables, or put silverware away. Often we do the job for them because we can do it with less hassle, but the result is they feel unimportant.

4 - Use Natural Consequences

Ask yourself what would happen if I didn't interfere in this situation? If we interfere when we don't need to, we rob children of the chance to learn from the consequences of their actions. By allowing consequences to do the talking, we avoid disturbing our relationships by nagging or reminding too much. For example, if your child forgets her lunch, you don't bring it to her. Allow her to find a solution and learn the importance of remembering.

5 - Use Logical Consequences

Often the consequences are too far in the future to practically use a natural consequence. When that is the case, logical consequences are effective. A consequence for the child must be logically related to the behavior in order for it to work. For example, if your child forgets to return his video and you ground him for a week, that punishment will only create resentment within your child. However, if you return the video for him and either deduct the amount from his allowance or allow him to work off the money owed, then your child can see the logic to your discipline.

6 - Withdraw from Conflict

If your child is testing you through a temper tantrum, or being angry or speaking disrespectfully to you, it is best if you leave the room or tell the child you will be in the next room if he wants to "Try again." Do not leave in anger or defeat.

7 - Seperate the Deed from the Doer

Never tell a child that he is bad. That tears at his self-esteem. Help your child recognize that it isn't that you don't like him, but it is his behavior that you are unwilling to tolerate. In order for a child to have healthy self-esteem, he must know that he is loved unconditionally no matter what he does. Do not motivate your child by withdrawing your love from him. When in doubt, ask yourself, did my discipline build my child's self-esteem?

8 - Be Kind and Firm at the Same Time

Suppose you have told your five-year-old child that if she isn't dressed by the time the timer goes off, you will pick her up and take her to the car. She has been told she can either get dressed either in the car or at school. Make sure that you are loving when you pick her up, yet firm by picking her up as soon as the timer goes off without any more nagging. If in doubt, ask yourself, did I motivate through love or fear?

9 - Parent with the End in Mind

Most of us parent with the mindset to get the situation under control as soon as possible. We are looking for the expedient solution. This often results in children who feel overpowered. But if we parent in a way that keeps in mind how we want our child to be as an adult, we will be more thoughtful in the way we parent. For example, if we spank our child, he will learn to use acts of aggression to get what he wants when he grows up.

10 - Be Consistent, Follow Through

If you have made an agreement that your child cannot buy candy when she gets to the store, do not give in to her pleas, tears, demands or pouting. Your child will learn to respect you more if you mean what you say.

This document is produced by the International Network for Children and Families and the 350 instructors of the "Redirecting Children's Behavior" course.


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Friday, 15 May 2009


Lots of friends ask me how things work out for me being a single mom. Well for a starter. I have never imagined being a single mom, so this came as a surprise for me. I have always wanted a big happy family, good old fashioned, where i get to be a housewife raising 5 kids and taking care of housechores. well anyways. So I made it to the point where I have proven that life really is unpredictable, and so I learned.
Well being a mom in general changes a girls life. I got kids at early age, so the change for me that time was huge pretty huge.I use to be a party girl on weekends. I've always been a hard worker though, weekends were spend with girl friends on cafes and bars chatting about non sense topics all day long. But as soon as I gave birth to my first child magically I turned into right the opposite of what I have been. I didn't regret anything regarding my kids, I accepted the blessing fully and completely. And I was glad actually that my life changed, It was a time in my life where I did need a change. This child to make me feel complete and I was absolutely. Everything suddenly mattered to me. I learned to appreciate event he smallest thing in life. I ended as a single mom. I thought it would be hard but actually it is much easier now for me and my kids. I could fully focus on my kids needs and at the same time chase after my dreams. I never took the negative side of bieng a single mom. I was hard for a moment, from that point I knew I had to swallow my pride and seek help from my family and closes friends. They have overwhelmingly supportive about my situation. That is the one thing that made life as a single easier, a lot easier. I could get a job that starts at anytime coz I had no problem having my kids babysit by my grandma. of course I got my self a nanny for my youngest daughter.

I have truly been blessed. I have had the best vacation ever before really going at it. I now work at a danish company, a team leader for a call center that pays the same as working in Denmark.So I can start saving up for me and my kids future plans. Mu eldest girl is going to school this coming opening and I'm excited. I by the way live far from my kids at the moment. I travel back and forth from Manila to Davao. But at least it's not as far as Denmark I can always see them whenever there are promos on flight fares. hehehe. thanks to Ating for the updates on that by the way.

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Thursday, 14 May 2009

Stop parenting me how to parent my girls…

The title of this post must seem harsh but I don´t mean it that way. We parents have different parenting techniques and we accept each others way of raising our child or children. Some other moms parenting techniques may seem odd for us. For me I am really trying to right the wrongs of my guidance parenting. Like spanking or talking down to children. Or ignoring what a child is telling you. I am trying so hard to guide my girls to be an even better person than I am. And trying so hard to live by my teachings. I have read books about parenting but in the end you know what’s best for you and your kids. Moms are different, it depends really on your individual child. I may have active children and you don’t or I may be overprotective about my kids and you take it easy with them regarding playing outdoors. Moms are different we build our own protective walls around our kids differently. Just like how moms and dads have different parenting techniques. You may think that dad do it the wrong just coz he doesn’t do it your way, but his way actually worked better and you just sit there thinking ‘’ok am I having wrong parenting techniques?’’. I might come to some explanations for that. Well mom are different maybe because : Moms form a protective attachment to their babies during pregnancy, when we're so focused on having a healthy and safe child that we give up all sorts of risky behavior ourselves. I think some of the instinctive protectiveness comes from this. Where dads are more like when a kid climb up the fence and you ask them ‘’why´´ they would simply answer because it’s there and it looks like a jungle on the other side ready to be explored and you just stand there clueless about their fantasy games. You’re just so focused on your child might get hurt. I have it this way "If kids don't experience somewhat risky physical fun, it might make them more cautious and less willing to try things they haven't quite mastered yet,"but sometimes I can go over the edge, scared that my babies will hurt themselves even though I want them to go explore the backyard or the playground. I think It’s the instinct itself. But I have never doubted mine, maybe a couple yeah but I have learned to be flexible so that I can learn how to tolerate active behaviors better. Believe I really need that with my girls. Being a mom is suppose to be the funniest role ever in this life and it really is. Except when kids go sick. The stages they go through I love it. It makes me miss my kids even more writing this blog. HUHUHU….

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Monday, 11 May 2009

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Brain twister

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last night my boo came home from Davao, we sat in our room talking till 4 am in the morning just talking...a new level of intimacy, at the end of the conversation we were both surprised how normal we talked to each other and how comfortable we were talking about anything. We both smiled and kissed. It felt as if we had a mutual understanding right at that moment. A new level. In the morning when we woke up we took care of our obligations meaning mine hehehehe went to the bank sent money to my grandmom for the kids supply. We went to the market and bought our daily needs, had breakfast and went home coz I had to go to work. It all felt different suddenly. As if we both knew that we were going to the stage of our relationship. It felt right at the same time you get all the butterflies in your stomach coz you know it's gonna be scary and it gonna take a lot of work. A lot of arguements too but all you have in mind is it really really felt right. so you take one more step together. Thank you lord for all the blessings,

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TO my Mom of course, my lola, my momi bars, my grandma britta, Ate Shiella and Ating

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Friday, 1 May 2009


Cancer With Taurus:

Usually this makes the best of all love horoscope combinations. Cancer likes a good home with much affection, and so does Taurus. Deep inside this is what every Taurean hopes to find when undertaking conventional responsibilities (settling down). From an emotional point of view, there is nothing in the stars that bar the prospect of a happy married life between these zodiac sign match ups. One thing the Taurean must remember is that Cancer is exceedingly sensitive, and will crawl into a shell if unhappy emotionally. Taurus on the other hand, knows the Cancer's spirit and instinctively knows how to fix the problem once it arises.

cancer and taurus - astrological compatibility rank = 10 (10 is best)
Cancer and Taurus were just plain born for each other. With this in mind woe is either one if this sun sign relationship does not work out! Just as the love between these two will be the stuff of legends, so will the conflict. The reason for this is that even in hate, there will still be love, and this will be very confusing for both of them, the confusion will translate to fear, and this will make the conflict brutal. Lesson here? If you are in this type of a relationship you should make every effort to avoid alienation.

Cancer with Taurus

This combination could bring out the gentlest and most sensuous qualities in both of you. It could also bring out a lot of discussion about money, security, and what kind of home life you both want. However wild your youthful behaviour might be or have been, both of you secretly long for security and a beautiful place in which you can share intimate moments and enjoy the good things of life.

Through each other you might discover a strong desire for a family, and you might also discover that you are more conventional and concerned about being "respectable" than either of you had realised.

Taurus' earthy calm gives a feeling of safety and stability to Cancer's anxieties and volatile moods. Cancer's empathy and imaginative ability to enter into another person's inner world makes Taurus feel cherished, understood and loved.

Enjoy all that you share, and build that nest which matters so much to both of you. But try not to become so insulated and safety-conscious that you let the more unpredictable joys of life pass you by. Change can be good for both of you, however much you might protest.

You are a Cancer

Whether it's an old plastic bottle, an old lover, an old house, an old belief, an old memory, Cancer hangs on. One of your strongest urges is the urge for security, and security usually means clinging to the past. It's an emotional motivation, not a practical one. Beneath the Crab's tenacious penchant for not letting go of anything lies one of the most sensitive and vulnerable of all the zodiac signs. Moon-ruled, your apparently solid and conservative nature is perpetually washed by a cyclical ebb and flow of moods, desires, feelings, fantasies, dreams, fears and intuitions.

Yes, conservative. You Cancers know all about conservation. You'll carefully nurture and protect those tender feelings and creative imaginings beneath a bristling fortified wall of multiple bank accounts, share certificates, insurance policies, old photographs, family traditions, childhood friendships, and sometimes a super-rational attitude which appears to reject everything that lies on the invisible side of life.

Cancers are closet mystics, with poetry in their soul and the light of distant, dimly lit horizons in their eyes. Admittedly, not a lot of people may know that about you, and maybe you don't even know it about yourself. Except when the Moon changes phases and those secret dreams and imaginings rise up with the ebb and flow of the tide.

Yours is traditionally the sign of the family. That doesn't mean every Cancer wants, or should have, a family in the conventional sense. But a feeling of continuity with the past is terribly important for you. With roots firmly in the ground, you can indulge your wandering instinct, because there's something to come back to. And Crabs never move directly toward what they want. They circumambulate. "What, me? Interested in that? Don't be silly." But when you grab for the prize and those pincers close, you don't let go.

You dislike analysing motives, especially your own. You intuitively avoid possible rejection and humiliation - hence the often misread coolness which you present in situations where you feel vulnerable. But you're not cool, just intensely self-protective.

It's been said that Cancers are manipulative. This is absolutely true. You generally get what you want quietly and diplomatically, and half the time other people don't even realise you wanted it. Maybe sometimes you don't even realise yourself, until you've got there.

It's also been said about Cancer that the right hand often doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Of course you know, deep down. It's just that things are easier when they're dimly lit by the light of the Moon, not exposed for all to see in the harsh light of the noonday Sun.

Cancer is a water sign, with a gift for working subtly with feelings. Yes, you know how to use manipulation - atmospheres, hints, innuendoes, subtle ways of inducing guilt - to keep your loved ones close. The negative side of this is a propensity to employ emotional blackmail. But the positive side is a wonderful ability to guide and nurture without invasiveness. And behind even the most subtle of emotional ploys is your powerful need to be needed.

Your sensitivity, gentleness, shrewdness and delicacy can be beautifully expressed not only in the caring professions, but in business, family life, or a work of art. Although you need people, and need to be needed by them, you also long to retreat into solitude from time to time. It's those lunar phases again. Sometimes you simply have to withdraw in order to refresh your spirits and commune with those boundless imaginative depths. But you also need a lot of closeness and reassurance, and a cold atmosphere can be almost physically painful for you when you want to be close to someone.

Yours is a complex personality. You're instinctively secretive, yet always compassionate and responsive to others' unhappiness. You're capable of being snappish and irritable when the mood is on you, yet you're also able to brim over with joy, warmth, and sheer wild unbridled fun. Sometimes Cancers have to wait a long time before their real creative potential is realised. But the creative fruit you'll bring forth is worth waiting and working for.

The Taurus partner

Taurus is a very physical sign. It's a rare Taurean who doesn't possess a strong, intense desire nature. Even Taureans who fear intimacy (perhaps because they've been badly hurt in early life) will still display their innate sensuousness - through affectionate touching and an intense response to anything that's nice to touch, beautiful to look at, pleasant to hear, delicious to taste or lovely to smell. The Bull loves beauty, and can be astonishingly sybaritic. The ascetic approach doesn't go over well, unless you've found one of those more spiritually inclined Taureans (and there are quite a few around) for whom inner peace and serenity count for more than external comfort.

For many Taureans, the sexual side of love takes priority. Where there's good sex, Taurus remains. If Taureans choose to be faithful, they're very faithful. If they don't, they'll pursue their sensual pleasures on the side, enjoying themselves but never allowing such escapades to interfere with the stability of a solid relationship. Stability is really important to Taurus. But keeping a Taurus partner happy means you have to avoid sexual games of the now- you-can-have-me-now-you-can't variety. Your Taurean will simply find someone more available.

The Taurus partner can be very romantic. It's good old storybook romanticism, because this sign can be very conventional, and the old time-honoured rituals and ways work best. Taureans keep their promises, don't promise unless they're sure, and aren't sure until they've checked all the facts, including your bank balance and the history of your family. No, that may not seem very romantic. But Taurean romanticism, although sometimes outweighed by common sense, is genuine. They really believe in engagement rings, white wedding dresses and honeymoons. The Taurus partner remembers birthdays and anniversaries, and expects you to remember as well.

Taureans like to give real, solid gifts to demonstrate their love. This is both flattering and reassuring, even when the gift is something frighteningly useful (like an ironing board or a new cordless drill). If you're the more emotive type who craves a flamboyant verbal outpouring of affection, remember that expressing real, raw feelings doesn't come easily to this cautious, sensible sign. If you get too insistent with your demands, that Taurean contentment will slide into a deep, smouldering discontent.

Often a strong sense of responsibility, coupled with a deep need for security, will keep the Taurus partner in a relationship which has long since lost its charm. Taureans can be poignantly gentle, tender and affectionate. They don't get angry easily. Push them too hard, though, or destroy their serenity with too many emotional crises, and you'll be astonished at just how volcanic Taurean anger can be.

You may have heard about the famous Taurean possessiveness. This is indeed a possessive sign, and the Taurus partner will often demonstrate this in public by physical gestures of the property-ownership variety. Choose another sign if you want a detached, cool, unpredictable or "open" sort of relationship - unless you're prepared to enjoy an intermittent affair and can accept the fact that your Taurean lover has a steady relationship at home.

For loyalty and steadfastness, no one beats a Taurus. For calmness verging on complacency, too, no one beats a Taurus. So, although keeping the Taurus partner insecure is not a good idea, periodically introducing new elements into your life together can help to keep things alive and moving.

Taureans are often attracted to fiery temperaments who possess the daring, childlike abandon, imagination and rashness that they themselves don't dare express. While they need stability, they also need inspiration. Most importantly, they need to know they're needed and useful. If they know you rely on them, they will always offer generous support and protection, and the great inner strength that allows them to cope so tirelessly and serenely with the ordinary problems of life.

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The Cancer/Ox
Unusual creative talent characterizes the Cancer born in an Ox year. Moreover, they persevere to develop their artistry to the fullest. Famous geniuses abound in this sign. A refined sexuality combines tenderness with strength. Major people with major gifts.

It is no coincidence that many, many famous and respected artists of all sorts were born under the twin signs of Cancer and Ox. Here is the personification of determination. The profound sensitivity of Cancer coupled with the Ox's down-to-earth strength of purpose creates in this creature an emotional forcefulness unparalleled anywhere else in the new zodiac. This person always tries harder. The Ox side of this subject's character endows him or her with formidable powers of tenacity and innovation. Cancer lends even more creativity and adds a hefty dose of feeling to the cocktail. These folks go after what they want with acute single-mindedness. For a Cancer/Ox a task is a chore is a rule is a religion! What must be accomplished must be, and there are no two ways about it, no shortcuts, and no tricky escape routes. This often famous person's sex life is of the utmost importance to them. Yet, he or she maintains a discreet distance from prying press and flashing paparazzi. Intimacy, to this busily creative person, is just that. Intimate. Private. Secret and oh-so sensuous.

Cancer diminishes some of the Ox's assets such as reliability and
determination. If they are not careful, Cancer/Oxen may never achieve
their goals. Cancer can make the Ox touchy but deep down they are very sensitive. These Oxen are generally clever with money.
One finds you very easy to live with - you've much gentleness, an accommodating character, and good will in daily life. You're also merry and obliging. You may sometimes happen to be in the clouds, a little muddleheaded, but you succeed in making yourself forgiven everything.

You're very much attached to family and traditions and don't bear that those whom you love be harmed. Having much affective memory, you're gifted for bringing joy and good humour to those around you.

Your destiny is often dominated by hazard and marked with dramatic turns of events, but you generally succeed in preserving your comfortable and cosy situation — for it should not be forgotten that chance never moves too far away from you, especially if you're a woman.

Loving beautiful things, you can do well in an artistic career or antiques. You're gifted for music and literature. With your love of good living, all that's related to food can also bring you financial gains. And with your saving penchant and your need to accumulate possessions, you've the possibility to give yourself a beautiful fortune.

Sentimental, passionate, sensual, you love love and can't do without it. But your actual happiness can find itself only within the framework of stability, in a home which is united and full of children. You must beware of certain tendency to affective blackmail.

We will feel the yoke of responsibility coming down on us this year.

Way-out fashions, abstract art forms and newfangled notions will be given an impassive stare by the phlegmatic Ox, while politics and diplomacy will simply be treated with indifference. Better stick to routine and support conservative policies. Frivolities are out!

This year will no doubt bear fruit, but the motto is: "No work, no pay!" Time waits for no man; if we are too lazy to sow then we can blame no one if we have nothing to reap. We will find a great many things requiring our attention, and the list of what needs to be done will seem endless. The Spartan influence of the Ox will be a constantly cracking whip over our heads. Better to apply oneself diligently than waste time arguing with the authorities. They will prevail, as the year of the Ox favors discipline.

Most conflicts this year will arise more from a lack of communication and refusal to give in on small technicalities than anything else. But hang on and be patient. Everything will be sorted out and we will be rewarded for our efforts--so long as we remember to do things the conventional way. This is no time for tricky shortcuts.

For the rebels, it may be worthwhile to point out that although the stoical Ox is soft-spoken, he carries a big stick, and this is his year.
No success can be achieved without conscientious efforts. The trials and tribulations the Ox year brings will be mainly on the home front. It is a good time to settle domestic affairs and put your house in order.


The Ox or the Buffalo sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work.
A person born during this year will be dependable, calm and methodical. A patient and tireless worker, he sticks to routine and conventions. Although he is generally fair-minded and a good listener, it is difficult to make him change his views as he is stubborn and often has strong prejudices.

Still, because of his steady and trustworthy character, the Ox person will be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. He will not fall short where duty calls. As a matter of fact, he should be careful not to get carried away. Beneath his somewhat modest but neat appearance, the Ox shields a resolute and logical mind. His intelligence and dexterity is hidden by the reticent and undemonstrative front. But in spite of being basically an introvert, his forceful nature can turn him into a commanding and eloquent speaker when the occasion arises. In times of turmoil, his presence of mind, refusal to be intimidated and innate self-confidence will restore order. He walks with his head held high.

A person born under this particular sign is systematic. He adheres to fixed patterns and has great respect for tradition. In fact, he tends to do exactly what is expected of him and is so predictable, that he may be unfairly criticized for a lack of imagination. But the dutiful Ox knows that only through doing things in their proper order can he hope to achieve lasting success. His is the uncluttered mind. You won't find him muddling through life depending on his luck to pull him through. What people born under the other signs may accomplish by guile and wit, the Ox-born will by sheer tenacity and dedication. You can rely on his promises; once he gives his word, he will stick by it. Public opinion means little to him. He will apply himself wholeheartedly to whatever task he is doing and finish the job. He detests loose ends.

The Ox can be terribly naive about affairs of the heart. He cannot fully comprehend the entrapments of love, much less employ enticing strategy and other allures to plead his romantic cause. Don't expect lyric poetry and moonlight serenades from him. He just doesn't have the right chemistry for these sort of things. Even his presents are likely to be strong and durable wares: unpretentious and long lasting.

Because they are traditionalists, the Ox man and woman will also be inclined to long courtships. It takes time for them to develop intimate relationships. They are slow to warm up and reveal their true feelings. The Ox man may be a knight of the most distinguished order, a gentleman of the highest caliber, but he can turn into a fumbling, tongued-tied lad when it comes to wooing his fair maiden.

But if you marry him and place your trust squarely on his shoulders, he will never disappoint you; he will stick by you faithfully all his life. You never need worry about the rent or the bills getting paid. He may not keep you in diamonds and furs but life will be as comfortable as he can make it and you will never be in need.

If you have the good fortune to marry an Ox lady, you sure picked the no-nonsense type of girl. She'll starch your collar just the way your mother does it, fold your newspaper neatly on the breakfast table every day without fail and poach your eggs to perfection. Even that "good morning" kiss may seem like nothing more than a dutiful peck now and then. But if you think of her as being boring or too set in her ways, consider this. She is neat and punctual. You will never go through married life without clean shirts or holes in your socks or having to eat burnt dinners. Honest, hardworking and above reproach, she will make an ideal wife. The checkbook will be balanced and your joint account never overdrawn. It's up to you to liven up her life and take the lead. After all, the Ox person usually performs more than his or her share. A lot of wonderful things come wrapped in plain brown paper. The Ox is one of them. Don't ever belittle the packaging. He is worth his weight in gold.

Aside from his many sterling qualities, the Ox person is also known to nurture grievances far too long. He has a long and exacting memory, and injuries can be registered down to their last detail.

Where other signs such as the Tiger, Rooster or Rat may complain vehemently when they are upset and the Sheep and Rabbit will sulk and become morose, the Ox will react by plunging himself into hard work to alleviate his misery and tension. If severely disappointed in love, he may bury himself in his work forever and lead a solitary existence instead of running the risk of ever being humiliated or rejected again.

The Ox will insist on settling his accounts. Debts will be paid to the last decimal point. If he owes you something he will never forgive himself if he doesn't show his gratitude in a tangible way. No profuse but empty phrases of appreciation from him. He considers flowery words and lavish flattery uncouth and beneath his dignity. But won't it come as a surprise to you when you find out that that gruff fellow, who barely managed to mumble a "Thank you," left you something in his will? Well, that's a typical Ox gesture for you. If anyone's actions speak louder than his words--his do.

Beware of the Ox's legendary patience, because when an Ox person loses his temper, he is really something to reckon with. It could be a terrifying experience. There will be no reasoning with him: he will act like a bull and attack anyone in his path. The only advisable thing to do is to get out of his way until he cools off. By and large, however, he is seldom given to such taxing display of fireworks unless he finds his situation truly unbearable.

At home, his word is law. He knows how to give orders as well as follow them. And he expects his directives to be carried out to the letter. He has a materialistic outlook on life, and although he may be inordinately fond and proud of his family, he demands a lot from them, too. He will use the yardstick of success and personal achievement to measure his love for them. Even though he is not easily moved by emotions, he is a good provider and is capable of great sacrifices for his family's welfare. When and where it really counts, he will not let them down.

An Ox person will always be an asset to his firm and family. He has no reason to feel insecure himself as he will be well cared for all his life. Reason dictates that one so valuable should not be left to fend for himself.

The Ox born during the day will be more aggressive and active compared to the quiet night ox. Similarly, the winter Ox will have more trying times and a leaner life than the summer Ox.

The native of this lunar sign is a down-to-earth type and will follow his head rather than his heart. So if you want to win your case, appeal to his reason and intelligence. Make a list of the pros and cons and support every request with pertinent and reliable data. Sentiments alone rarely make him change his mind. He also has a remarkable constitution and does not get sick easily. Proud and uncompromising, the Ox is disdainful of weakness in others. If he can learn to cultivate more humor and compassion, he will be much happier.

A natural-born leader and disciplinarian, he tends to be too rigid. Likely to be a self-made man, he staunchly believes everyone should pull his own weight--and no hedging about it either. At his worst, the Ox is unapproachable, inflexible and narrow-minded. His lack of tact and consideration for others coupled with a militant view of life at times could make him unsuitable for positions involving public relations, diplomacy and finesse. However, he is respected and liked for his basic honesty, unpretentiousness and steadfast principles. He inspires loyalty in all his subordinates, as no task is beneath him.

As mentioned earlier, the Ox person is not one who will go for the shortcuts. His quiet dignity and strong morals will prevent him from resorting to unfair means to achieve his goals. He will dislike asking others for help. As a matter of fact, he is so self-reliant, that you may have to beg him to accept a service.

The Ox-born has dynastic tendencies. Careful and conscientious, he builds things to last. This sturdiness in his genes will extend to his offspring and generations to come even if they are not born under the same sign. His excellent character makes him an empire builder. He will take all precautions to ensure the prosperity and survival of his lineage.

As the paterfamilias, he will lay down the laws pontifically and stand for no youthful rebellion. He builds his life around his home, his work and his country and will always prefer long-term, stable investments. Being a strict creature of habit, he is no gambler: risks and razor-thin margins unnerve him because they endanger his deep-felt need for security.

Of all the twelve signs, the colorful Rooster will bring the sunshine into the Ox's orderly life and make a splendid partner for him. Both have high respect for authority, admire efficiency and possess strong dedication to duty. These common attributes will unite them. Equally well suited will be the affectionate Rat or the wise Snake, both of whom will care deeply for the worthy Ox. Dragon, Rabbit, Ox, Horse, Boar and Monkey will also be compatible to a lesser degree with the Ox. But the Dog may find him too bland and criticize his lack of humor; the Ox himself will not care too much for the company of the capricious Sheep or the rebellious Tiger native, who in turn will resent his regimentation.

Whatever happens, one can be sure that the success enjoyed by the Ox will have been earned by his own merits. In short, the strong and disciplined Ox does not expect and will not be getting any free rides in life. This stalwart fellow will emerge a winner through his own efforts and no one should be more deserving.

Crabs live in the inter-tidal zone of the oceans, where tides rise and fall twice every day. This is the most dynamic and changeful place on earth, but also the most nutrient rich. Because of the constant change, Cancer have developed a hard outer shell for protection. Cancer can use the hard outer shell of your home as your protection. But it's more than just that. Typically, your sensitive Cancer can hold your feelings quietly behind your own walls.

Crabs also have large pinching claws, and Cancer can hold onto things, especially from the past. Cancer are fiercely loyal and have a difficult time letting go. But Cancer are also quick to bring those you love inside the safety of your outer shell while you nurture them. Cancer love is protective, but unless tempered, can be smothering.

Cancer motto could be, "A good defense is the best offense." Like a Crab in its cave, your attack can consist of baiting your opponent into your territory. What appears to be a retreat to others can be your best aggressive tactic. As you feel your way through life, building your security by developing your home and family relationships, remember that unexpressed anger can turn into resentment and depression, so find someone you can trust and share your feelings.

Element: Water
Astrologically, the water element symbolizes emotion. Water runs deep; it seeks its own level and will flow until it has found it. The cycle of water is endless with the snows falling in the mountains and melting. The mountain streams join to make the great rivers that run to the sea. The tides and currents churn the oceans. Similarly, our feelings are flowing as they connect the present with past experiences. Sometimes the waters are so deep that we cannot put words to our feelings.

The water of Cancer is that of the changing tides. Regular rhythms that bring food and nurture the creatures who live there. But this is also about the water of a smoothly surfaced lake. No movement is apparent, yet beneath the surface there is movement, currents and much hidden activity.

Fourth House: Home and Family
The Fourth House is related to the mother. It is where we are nurtured, and takes in not only our real mother, but all those who nurture us -- especially early in life. This is the house of childhood surroundings. It is where we retreat from the noise of the outer world.

Key Planet: Moon
The Moon is always changing, not even the same two nights in a row. It races around the Earth once a "month," and as such we are familiar with her regularly repeating patterns. Women's menstrual cycles are naturally tied to the lunar rhythm, putting them in closer touch with the subconscious realms of the Moon. But to man and woman alike, the Moon is the key to our feelings and our emotional cycles. As the key planet of Cancer, the Moon symbolizes our basic needs -- how we need to be nurtured and how we nurture others.

Cancer Greatest Strength: Your ability to nurture others

Cancer Possible Weakness: Fear of the past repeating in the future

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SO HELP ME GOD...give the strength to extend my patience. so help me god to be understanding, and be fair. help me god to find guidance, so help me god....may I not let my anger win over my heart. so help me god, to find the beauty of all this the purpose of all this. so help me god for the words that comes out of my mouth. so help me god to bless and be blessed. so help me god to accept the differences between me and him. so help god see the goodness of his doings. so help me god be a better and more flexible person towards him and him towards me. so help me god..........................

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