Cancer With Taurus:
Usually this makes the best of all love horoscope combinations. Cancer likes a good home with much affection, and so does Taurus. Deep inside this is what every Taurean hopes to find when undertaking conventional responsibilities (settling down). From an emotional point of view, there is nothing in the stars that bar the prospect of a happy married life between these zodiac sign match ups. One thing the Taurean must remember is that Cancer is exceedingly sensitive, and will crawl into a shell if unhappy emotionally. Taurus on the other hand, knows the Cancer's spirit and instinctively knows how to fix the problem once it arises.
cancer and taurus - astrological compatibility rank = 10 (10 is best)
Cancer and Taurus were just plain born for each other. With this in mind woe is either one if this sun sign relationship does not work out! Just as the love between these two will be the stuff of legends, so will the conflict. The reason for this is that even in hate, there will still be love, and this will be very confusing for both of them, the confusion will translate to fear, and this will make the conflict brutal. Lesson here? If you are in this type of a relationship you should make every effort to avoid alienation.
Cancer with Taurus
This combination could bring out the gentlest and most sensuous qualities in both of you. It could also bring out a lot of discussion about money, security, and what kind of home life you both want. However wild your youthful behaviour might be or have been, both of you secretly long for security and a beautiful place in which you can share intimate moments and enjoy the good things of life.
Through each other you might discover a strong desire for a family, and you might also discover that you are more conventional and concerned about being "respectable" than either of you had realised.
Taurus' earthy calm gives a feeling of safety and stability to Cancer's anxieties and volatile moods. Cancer's empathy and imaginative ability to enter into another person's inner world makes Taurus feel cherished, understood and loved.
Enjoy all that you share, and build that nest which matters so much to both of you. But try not to become so insulated and safety-conscious that you let the more unpredictable joys of life pass you by. Change can be good for both of you, however much you might protest.

You are a Cancer
Whether it's an old plastic bottle, an old lover, an old house, an old belief, an old memory, Cancer hangs on. One of your strongest urges is the urge for security, and security usually means clinging to the past. It's an emotional motivation, not a practical one. Beneath the Crab's tenacious penchant for not letting go of anything lies one of the most sensitive and vulnerable of all the zodiac signs. Moon-ruled, your apparently solid and conservative nature is perpetually washed by a cyclical ebb and flow of moods, desires, feelings, fantasies, dreams, fears and intuitions.
Yes, conservative. You Cancers know all about conservation. You'll carefully nurture and protect those tender feelings and creative imaginings beneath a bristling fortified wall of multiple bank accounts, share certificates, insurance policies, old photographs, family traditions, childhood friendships, and sometimes a super-rational attitude which appears to reject everything that lies on the invisible side of life.
Cancers are closet mystics, with poetry in their soul and the light of distant, dimly lit horizons in their eyes. Admittedly, not a lot of people may know that about you, and maybe you don't even know it about yourself. Except when the Moon changes phases and those secret dreams and imaginings rise up with the ebb and flow of the tide.
Yours is traditionally the sign of the family. That doesn't mean every Cancer wants, or should have, a family in the conventional sense. But a feeling of continuity with the past is terribly important for you. With roots firmly in the ground, you can indulge your wandering instinct, because there's something to come back to. And Crabs never move directly toward what they want. They circumambulate. "What, me? Interested in that? Don't be silly." But when you grab for the prize and those pincers close, you don't let go.
You dislike analysing motives, especially your own. You intuitively avoid possible rejection and humiliation - hence the often misread coolness which you present in situations where you feel vulnerable. But you're not cool, just intensely self-protective.
It's been said that Cancers are manipulative. This is absolutely true. You generally get what you want quietly and diplomatically, and half the time other people don't even realise you wanted it. Maybe sometimes you don't even realise yourself, until you've got there.
It's also been said about Cancer that the right hand often doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Of course you know, deep down. It's just that things are easier when they're dimly lit by the light of the Moon, not exposed for all to see in the harsh light of the noonday Sun.
Cancer is a water sign, with a gift for working subtly with feelings. Yes, you know how to use manipulation - atmospheres, hints, innuendoes, subtle ways of inducing guilt - to keep your loved ones close. The negative side of this is a propensity to employ emotional blackmail. But the positive side is a wonderful ability to guide and nurture without invasiveness. And behind even the most subtle of emotional ploys is your powerful need to be needed.
Your sensitivity, gentleness, shrewdness and delicacy can be beautifully expressed not only in the caring professions, but in business, family life, or a work of art. Although you need people, and need to be needed by them, you also long to retreat into solitude from time to time. It's those lunar phases again. Sometimes you simply have to withdraw in order to refresh your spirits and commune with those boundless imaginative depths. But you also need a lot of closeness and reassurance, and a cold atmosphere can be almost physically painful for you when you want to be close to someone.
Yours is a complex personality. You're instinctively secretive, yet always compassionate and responsive to others' unhappiness. You're capable of being snappish and irritable when the mood is on you, yet you're also able to brim over with joy, warmth, and sheer wild unbridled fun. Sometimes Cancers have to wait a long time before their real creative potential is realised. But the creative fruit you'll bring forth is worth waiting and working for.
The Taurus partnerTaurus is a very physical sign. It's a rare Taurean who doesn't possess a strong, intense desire nature. Even Taureans who fear intimacy (perhaps because they've been badly hurt in early life) will still display their innate sensuousness - through affectionate touching and an intense response to anything that's nice to touch, beautiful to look at, pleasant to hear, delicious to taste or lovely to smell. The Bull loves beauty, and can be astonishingly sybaritic. The ascetic approach doesn't go over well, unless you've found one of those more spiritually inclined Taureans (and there are quite a few around) for whom inner peace and serenity count for more than external comfort.
For many Taureans, the sexual side of love takes priority. Where there's good sex, Taurus remains. If Taureans choose to be faithful, they're very faithful. If they don't, they'll pursue their sensual pleasures on the side, enjoying themselves but never allowing such escapades to interfere with the stability of a solid relationship. Stability is really important to Taurus. But keeping a Taurus partner happy means you have to avoid sexual games of the now- you-can-have-me-now-you-can't variety. Your Taurean will simply find someone more available.
The Taurus partner can be very romantic. It's good old storybook romanticism, because this sign can be very conventional, and the old time-honoured rituals and ways work best. Taureans keep their promises, don't promise unless they're sure, and aren't sure until they've checked all the facts, including your bank balance and the history of your family. No, that may not seem very romantic. But Taurean romanticism, although sometimes outweighed by common sense, is genuine. They really believe in engagement rings, white wedding dresses and honeymoons. The Taurus partner remembers birthdays and anniversaries, and expects you to remember as well.
Taureans like to give real, solid gifts to demonstrate their love. This is both flattering and reassuring, even when the gift is something frighteningly useful (like an ironing board or a new cordless drill). If you're the more emotive type who craves a flamboyant verbal outpouring of affection, remember that expressing real, raw feelings doesn't come easily to this cautious, sensible sign. If you get too insistent with your demands, that Taurean contentment will slide into a deep, smouldering discontent.
Often a strong sense of responsibility, coupled with a deep need for security, will keep the Taurus partner in a relationship which has long since lost its charm. Taureans can be poignantly gentle, tender and affectionate. They don't get angry easily. Push them too hard, though, or destroy their serenity with too many emotional crises, and you'll be astonished at just how volcanic Taurean anger can be.
You may have heard about the famous Taurean possessiveness. This is indeed a possessive sign, and the Taurus partner will often demonstrate this in public by physical gestures of the property-ownership variety. Choose another sign if you want a detached, cool, unpredictable or "open" sort of relationship - unless you're prepared to enjoy an intermittent affair and can accept the fact that your Taurean lover has a steady relationship at home.
For loyalty and steadfastness, no one beats a Taurus. For calmness verging on complacency, too, no one beats a Taurus. So, although keeping the Taurus partner insecure is not a good idea, periodically introducing new elements into your life together can help to keep things alive and moving.
Taureans are often attracted to fiery temperaments who possess the daring, childlike abandon, imagination and rashness that they themselves don't dare express. While they need stability, they also need inspiration. Most importantly, they need to know they're needed and useful. If they know you rely on them, they will always offer generous support and protection, and the great inner strength that allows them to cope so tirelessly and serenely with the ordinary problems of life.
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